Depenedencies Url = “”
Step 1 : Add the following Gradle dependencies to create a project.
1. Spring Boot Starter Web
2. Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf
Step 2 : Create a Spring Boot application class file.
Step 3: Create a Controller Request Mapping that redirects to index.html
Step 4 : Create the html file .
Step 5: add main.js file for button click event and send the Full URL to RestController(/shortenurl) by using jQuery AJAX.
Step 6: Created a private method to generate a random chars (Example = http://localhost:8080/s/VRZQe)
Step 7: Created a Model to set and get the FULL URL and SHORT URL.
Step 8: Created a Rest Controller and write a /shortenurl REST API to create a short URL b using Random chars.
Step 9: Write a setShortURL() method to create a short URL by using random chars and putting shortURL in the HashMap.
Step 10: Write a Redirect Controller REST API to redirect the request to FULL URL by using short URL from the HashMap.